Category: Being – Integrity and Authenticity

Un-leaning and Learning Together for Climate Resilience

Context Most humans are not prepared to live in a world of climate instability. Besides, extreme weather events will become more frequent and intense in the coming decade,…

changemakers online collective

We believe in activating authenticity through collaboration. If every human on the planet shines their strengths, what future would we live in? Our story: Softpunki is an evolving…

Self-awareness training workshops for corporate teams

Inner Work by Grete Merlyn is a series of 5 workshops for opening important conversations on sustainable development skills and individual differences. It fuses Inner Development Goals with…

Symposium on „Growing Economics from Inner Creativity“

The „Landsalon Drahnsdorf“ invites you to: Symposium on „Growing Economics from Inner Creativity“ Coming into action from the field of „interbeing“ How can we move from an economic…


Our mission is to learn, practice, teach & cultivate holistic innovation culture. We envision a world in which visionaries, their processes, and their creations exist in healthier relationship…

Person to Person

Do we have a sustainable lifestyle? Question for everyone, LIS professionals and users. The Inner Development Goals (IDG): Be-Think-Relate-Collaborate-Act, says the IDG Initiative, contribute to developing the skills…

Dyadic, empathic storytelling on the ecological crisis

The purpose of this 90 minutes workshop is to transform a simplistic idea of storytelling, where a single hero is successful in reaching a goal, into a dyadic,…

The Impact Plan: unlock your potential, develop your best self, and make the world a better place.

The Impact Plan is a tool that involves a canvas and a deck of 20 cards. It operates as a Determine heuristic for the rapid assessment of a…

The Buddhist IDGs Workshop

“It’s very beautiful. The alignment of most organizations in Thailand with the SDGs has failed, causing negative impacts on all Thai people. The ‘IDGs framework’ has emerged as…