Organisation / Hub: One Resilient Earth

Contact Person: Laureline Simon

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Most humans are not prepared to live in a world of climate instability. Besides, extreme weather events will become more frequent and intense in the coming decade, no matter the cut in carbon emissions. One Resilient Earth helps understand, anticipate and respond to the impacts of climate change, both individually and collectively. Our mission is to ensure that more people stay alive and well in a chaotic climate, and are empowered to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives together with all other living beings, while living through the climate crisis.

Growing climate resilience implies developing a curious, creative, and collaborative mindset; re-building communities of support; and restoring the health of ecosystems. Hence, we focus on:
• Supporting individuals’ emotional and mental wellbeing when it is affected by climate change, through climate circles dedicated to climate emotions.
• Empowering young people, sustainability professionals, and creatives, through transformative learning experiences enabling the acquisition of knowledge, tools and skills for long-term climate resilience and regeneration.
• Building a transnational online community, fostering peer-learning, mutual support and collaboration.
• Advocating for a transformative, regenerative and transdisciplinary approach to climate resilience, with a focus on transformative learning and artivism.

We wish to create regenerative spaces for community care, learning, experimentation, and free expression, so that we, humans in our diversity, can work together towards shaping a more climate-resilient, biodiverse and just world. Our reach is global and we learn with and from scientists, artists, Indigenous knowledge holders, regeneration practitioners, and grassroots organizers, from both the Global Majority and the Global Minority. We strive to address the root causes of the ecological crisis and of climate vulnerability.


One Resilient Earth has reached over 50 000 people, including 1800+ participants in online climate circles, events and learning journeys. 98% of surveyed participants would recommend our climate circles, and 100% would recommend our learning journeys.

We have learnt that mindset shifts do not happen in isolation and that we need learning communities that can also provide us emotional support and care to thrive.

We have learnt that we need radical collaboration, and genuine relationships based on reciprocity, which takes time.

We have learnt that taking action to change is uncomfortable and difficult, but that we have no choice and might as well make the most of it to explore different facets of being human.

We have learnt that without engaging in the messiness of outer transformation, focusing on inner change is like doing yoga on a slaveship.